Monday, January 4, 2016

Enjoy some jerk material!!!


  1. Ha!
    I love that second photo.
    Seriously, bro...
    Masturbation is a mortal sin,
    worthy of the Abyss o'Misery.

    Lissen to wisdom, earthling:
    1-outta-1 bites-the-dust, thus, everyone of U.S. has an indelible soul.
    While the body rots in the grave,
    the soul rises to meet their Maker.
    Thus, Death, Judgement,Heaven or Hell await U.S. all.
    And dats da fak, Jak.
    What we all should be thinking abouteveryday in this finite existenceor at leeest in the back of our minds...yet, how many actually do?How many expect Jesus to have mercy on them when they worship the whorizontaland croak expecting Seventh-Heaven??

    Precisely why Im here:
    many of U.S. have completely forgotten our morality and mortality.
    Lissen to wisdom, earthling:
    this finite existence is only a test,
    which Almighty God has produced to see
    if we mortals have the kohoneys to reach Seventh-Heaven.

    God bless your indelible soul.
