Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pics, with absolutely true captions...


  1. the ladies above are right. i'm a chronic, compulsive only sex. hours and hours of intensive edging, every day. my hot, sexy , mother and my available to any body wife, were right. i'm only good for solo sex. john c. segaiolo

  2. I never cold have sex with a lady, constant masturbation has ruled my life. hours of intensive masturbation gooning on the porn ladies and on my g. f. and her hot daughter. I usually stroke from 9\a. m. to 11 a. m .then again all afternoon till dinner. if alone I pump all evening. never enough, I love when alone I can stroke for 12 or 14 hours. my sexy mother and my w ife, both told me I was a chronic, compulsive masturbator. my hot wife had lovers before and right after we got married. she always had casual sex, letting almost any body fuck her well used holes. i loved to watch and masturbate. john c. segaiolo

  3. Having a masturbation project, i.e., a focused, systematic pursuit of masturbation, is certainly as much a commitment as a marriage or a job.
